Small Arms Integration Book


Title: Small Arms Integration Book 

Creator: United States Army Infantry School 

Description: This document is intended as a Leader’s Guide and quick reference for the soldier in the field. It is our intent to provide a clear, easy-to-use document that outlines interface requirements between weapons, their accessories and sights. This is a reference book and not intended to replace Technical Manuals. Moreover, the information contained in this booklet provides baseline configurations for the weapons and accessories covered. There are a wide variety of variations possible, but only the baseline configurations will be discussed in this document. Detailed procedures and guidance on the operation and employment of these devices is contained in the appropriate Technical Manual. (See Annex A – References) 

Publisher: United States Army Infantry School (Fort Benning, GA)

Date: 2000-8-18

Format: OCR PDF


File Extension
- Small Arms Integration Book (Rifle Accessories) (2000).pdf pdf


Version: 1.0.0 latest

initial upload


Title: Small Arms Integration Book 

Creator: United States Army Infantry School 

Description: This document is intended as a Leader’s Guide and quick reference for the soldier in the field. It is our intent to provide a clear, easy-to-use document that outlines interface requirements between weapons, their accessories and sights. This is a reference book and not intended to replace Technical Manuals. Moreover, the information contained in this booklet provides baseline configurations for the weapons and accessories covered. There are a wide variety of variations possible, but only the baseline configurations will be discussed in this document. Detailed procedures and guidance on the operation and employment of these devices is contained in the appropriate Technical Manual. (See Annex A – References) 

Publisher: United States Army Infantry School (Fort Benning, GA)

Date: 2000-8-18

Format: OCR PDF








Project Info

release date

Nov 28, 2023

artifact type


library categories

DIY Guides, Other

fabrication method

Not Printable

release country

United States




No license


File Extension
- Small Arms Integration Book (Rifle Accessories) (2000).pdf pdf


Version: 1.0.0 latest

initial upload

The files shown on this site are only available to U.S. Persons, as defined at 22 C.F.R. 120.15. The files are also not available to persons outside the United States or to residents of and persons in the State of New Jersey, with the exception of Federal Firearms Licensees.

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